Friday, February 15, 2013

Crazy Days and Nights: Four For Friday - Out Of Fame

Today is Friday. It feels like this week has gone on forever. A three day weekend is sounding good, but I will be here everyday of it with a full day on Monday.Tomorrow I will have a blind item reveal or two or three. I tend to go overboard on holiday weekends because of the drinking. I would love for you to follow me on Twitter and I will have a huge reveal when I hit 20K followers. You can follow me @entylawyer

This celebrity at one point reached A list as far as celebrity goes. She was getting acting roles and she thought she had made the transition from celebrity to big time actress. At one point she had three networks all chasing her and wanting her for a show. What does she have now? Nothing. No endorsements, no club appearances, nothing. The only thing left is a few bucks and trying anything to get back where she was just a short time ago. She has discussed writing a book and blowing the lid off the marriage of one of Hollywood's squeakiest celebrity marriages. She had sex with the husband almost everyday for two years. When that ended so did her career for the most part. She used to have endorsement deals. Gone. She was a terrible actress but because of her body kept getting roles. She thought she should be considered a serious actress so refused anymore sexy roles or anything topless. The offers dried up and when she realized she that she was ok with being sexy if that was the only way to get work it was too late. Producers had moved on to the next person in line. Bad decisions with boyfriends, especially the one who had no idea she was seeing the married guy. Now our celebrity has been trying to get stories leaked about her or showing up half naked in places she knows paps will be just to get a photo taken of her or someone to talk about her. She misses the fame more than anyone you have seen. To have so much and have it taken away.


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